Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ready to Get Started

       I spent a great day with family today, had a good dinner and lots of fun opening presents. But...after eating dinner and dessert then riding in a car for 4+ hours, my poor stomach hurts. Why do we overeat at holiday dinners? That is an obstacle I will have to figure out before Easter.
     So tomorrow is the day!  I am so ready to get started. My meal plan for the week is done, my grocery list made, my exercise plan is ready for action and so am I!
     I go to my dad's at 10 a.m. to weigh in and then grocery shopping to get the low fat things I need. All I can say to my dad now is "Your going down!!". 
     I told my dad that I will be at his house every Wednesday and Friday to wake his happy butt up because he is going for a walk with me before he goes to work.  He was not thrilled by this! His response when I told him that this would happen at 7:30 a.m. was to groan and say "if I get up".  I will get him up if I have to use ice water!
     To all of those of you who are rooting for Team April ( I did not come up with the name, my cousin's sweetheart of a wife did!) lets get this party started!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Planning for my Journey

December 30th 2011

     Today I am planning for my weight loss journey.  I am setting up an exercise schedule, eating plan ( approximate times), strength training schedule, grocery lists, and meal plans for the next week.  I have found out, through a lot of yo-yo dieting, that having a plan and a goal makes success more likely.
     My first goal is to lose 5% of my body weight. I won't know this exact number until Sunday when we weigh in, but that is my starting goal.
     My plan for achieving this goal is to eat healthy and exercise. Duh right? This is not so easy to do when you have years of bad habits to break. I know I will have to limit the amount of time I spend on the computer, watching t.v., and reading as these things do not get me up and moving. I also know that I have to quit "grazing".  Snacking when you are not truly hungry is the fastest way to gain weight. I do this, probably more than even I realize. That has to stop.
     I have decided to reward my self when I reach my first goal. My reward? Weather permitting, a day at the park with my husband and daughter and a picnic lunch ( healthy, of course!).
     My plan for breaking my bad habits? One day at a time, one meal at a time, one snack at a time and one exercise at a time. There is no way to magically get rid of bad habits. I wish there was. This will not be easily fixed and I like to think I am prepared for that but I am realistic enough to know that there will be bad days and choices made. My solution to this is to just pick myself up and begin again. Never Give Up and Never Surrender.  Failure is NOT an Option.
     You only fail when you quit trying, and this time I am not going to fail. I have my reasons for succeeding. I Want to get healthy, I Want to be happy with myself and I Want to be able to go shopping for new clothes!
     So, back to my planning!  Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I did what?

December 29th 2011

       So a few days ago I found out that on January 1st my dad is going to "get healthy".  I prefer this term to "diet".  So I decided to challenge him.  The one of us who loses the biggest percentage of weight in six months has to give the other $100.   We will weigh in at his house January 1st at 10 a.m.  and then the first day of every other month there after. On July 1st we will have our final weigh in and determine the winner!
       Now, this is just the first step in my journey.  I have more than 200 pounds to lose.  My goal is to reach 135 to 140 pounds as a goal weight.  I do know this will be difficult. I am sure I will struggle with food choices, exercise, excuses and much more.  I know this as this has been my M.O. in the past. So I am creating this blog.
       My goal with creating this is to have to hold myself accountable for all the choices I have, am and will make. I do have a secondary goal as well, to share my journey with anyone who wants to read this, wants to be encouraged by it and/or who is struggling with the same issues.
       I know that if I can succeed in this then anyone can!
       I am still slightly amused, surprised, and (excited?) by this challenge. Heck, I could use an extra $100! So, to my dad, Good Luck and Bring it On!!!