Sunday, February 26, 2012

Days Fifty-Six and Fifty-Seven

     The last two days have been good days. i am sorry I did not post last night though. By the time I had finished working, cleaning house, making salads for a barbecue today, doing dishes and exercising I was exhausted and went to bed. Today consisted of working, planning Kayla's family birthday party, school party and friends' party, going to a barbecue and exercising. Again I am feeling exhausted.
     I have to work tomorrow for a new client, pay a bill, exercise, cook, do dishes, yada yada yada. I love my busy life but am looking forward to Kayla's spring break in April so we can go unwind at the beach. Five days of fun in the sand!
     I happy with my weight loss to date. Of course I wish it would come off a little faster but, oh well. I am still looking forward to kicking my dad's butt and winning a hundred bucks to go shopping with!
     That is all for me today. Have a great night everyone and God Bless You all!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day Fifty-Five

     Today was a great day. I got a lot accomplished. Kayla and I finished the play room and I re-arranged some of the living room furniture. I washed the couch and sofa covers, got some more laundry done, cleaned the kitchen, did some grocery shopping, and interviewed with a new client (got the job on the spot). I ate well and exercised too.
     I am still finishing up some laundry and still have a little more cleaning I want to do after I get home from work tomorrow.  We are having a friend's children over for the night so Kayla has been cleaning her room to make sure it is ready. For that alone I should have kids over more often, it is the only time I don't have to fight her to clean the darn thing!
     I am happy with my weight loss progress. I will admit to wishing it would go faster, but I am happy with where I am at in my journey. I am looking for a new exercise game for our Wii though. I love Dance Workout but I would like to change it up a bit. Any recommendations?
     That is all for me tonight. I am going to go finish with the laundry and go to bed. Have a great night everyone!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day Fifty-Four

     Today was a busy day. We filed our taxes today, I cleaned house, started to move everything into the new play room, exercised, ate well and now am finishing the dishes. I also watched the Gatorade Duels on TV. Can't wait for Sunday. Daytona 500!!  I am exhausted. But all in all a good and productive day.
     Tomorrow is more of the same with finishing the playroom, dusting, mopping, vacuuming and going through the WHOLE garage in search of the rest of the toys for the playroom. May even make time to go to my dad's and get the bookcase and children's book there if I can find the time and energy.
     Also trying to plan Kayla's birthday. She will have a family party as most of our family is going to the Vegas race this year (lucky dogs!) and a party with all of her friends. Between all of that and watching a friend's kids this weekend and working, plus Rus working extra shifts because they are short handed, I can't wait for Kayla's spring break so we can go to the beach. Oh yeah, planning for that too! Man, my life has sure gotten busy recently. I love it!
     On that note, have a great night everyone. God bless you all!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day Fifty-Three

     Today was another good day. I ate well, exercised and made plans for the weekend. Now if I could just figure out a way for my house to clean itself life would be absolutely perfect! Oh well. So after I finish on here it is off to do the dishes then to bed.
     Kayla is loving her room and her privacy and I am enjoying not having to listen to her music all of the time. Why is it that growing up we swear we will never be like our mothers and yet here we are. I was constantly having to tell her to turn the music down and complaining about the "crap" she listens to. Damn, my mom was right again. :)  Now if only I could get her to make better eating choices and clean her room.
     I love being a parent, despite all she does to drive me nuts. I love all of my family and friends and am so thankful for all of their support. You guys Rock! Have a great night everyone and God Bless you all!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day Fifty-Two

     Today was a good day in so much as I worked out and ate decently. I did fight a headache all day though and didn't start on turning Kayla's old room into a play room yet, but such is life. There is always tomorrow to get the most of it done. Though, I am not looking forward to searching through all the boxes in the garage to find the toys we stored in there. Over the years they have gotten buried. Oh well more exercise for me.
     Poor Kayla was not feeling well today. Apparently there is a virus floating around her school and she may have picked it up. We will have to see how she is doing in the morning. We are finding that her being in the basement is good exercise for all of us. I am sore today from moving her down there yesterday. All the up and the stairs is definitely a workout.
     Well it has been a long day so I am off to bed. Have a great night everyone!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day Fifty-One

     We finally got Kayla moved into her new room! Yea! Man I hurt, too! Up and down those dang stairs like twenty or twenty-five times today plus my workout? I can't wait to go curl up with my heating pad! All in all though it was a great day. Between Rus, Kayla and I, we got the whole thing done. Now for my next project, turning her old room into a playroom for all the kids to play in.
     I am looking forward to all the days to come. Next weekend Kayla has her play at school. In a couple of weeks Kayla turns twelve. And Easter is not far off either. Not to mention the beach on Kayla's spring break. Lots to do over the next couple of months.
     Today has been a long day and I am going to bed. Have a great night everyone! Talk to you all again soon!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Days Thirty-Four thru Fifty

     SO I know it has been awhile since I have posted and I am sorry for that. Life got busy but I have not fallen off the wagon, I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed for a while. Here has been what was going on.
     I have been working seven days a week with two clients and while the hours are not too much (and neither is the actual work) by the end of my shifts I am tired and still had to come home to clean house, help Kayla with her homework, make dinner and work on a candy order for a baby shower. Along with paying bills, grocery shopping, planning and cooking my meals as well as exercising, it just a got bit overwhelming and has taken me some time to get a new pattern set so as to find extra time to blog and relax before going to bed to start my next day.
     Now don't get me wrong, I love my life. It has just taken a while to adjust to everything going on. Now that the baby shower is over, Valentine's is over and no major projects in the works, I am hoping thing calm down a bit, befor picking up for Kayla's birthday, then spring break and Easter.
     Since I have blogged last I have continued to lose a pound a week. It has gotten to the point where my wedding rings are getting loose enough that I have to be careful to not shake my hands and to take them off before I shower or do dishes so that I don't lose them!
     My pants are also getting harder to keep up and I may have to go buy a belt before I walk out of them. Yea! A few more pounds and I will be buying new pants!
     Tomorrow we will be re-doing Kayla's room and moving her down to the basement ( it is bigger than her current room) to give her more space. This is also in preparation for her birthday as she will be having friends over to stay the night then and if they are all in the basement Rus and I can have some peace upstairs while the party downstairs.
     That is all for me today. Thank you to all of you for your support and love. I hope you all have a great night (or day) and God Bless You!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day Thirty-Three

     Today was an interesting day. I stayed late at work and then had to go pay the rent. By the time I got home I was exhausted. So I took a nice long, hot bubble bath. It was great!
     I ate well today and continued with my exercise. I am looking forward to tomorrow as it is Friday, though I have to work Saturday and Sunday as well. My weekend hours are less so I won't be as tired which is good as I need to plan for next week. I feel good but I am tired. My cold is almost gone now, yea! 
     I know this is extremely short but I am still really tired. I will catch you all up this weekend. I am going to bed, so I will catch you all later. Have a great night everyone and God bless you.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day Thirty-Two

     Today was another good day. Long, but good. I just finished a workout and am getting ready to go to bed. I ate well today, cereal for breakfast, a sandwich, sugar free jello and a v-8 for lunch, and macaroni and cheese for dinner.
     While I am loving my new line of work, I am finding that by the end of the day I am exhausted. I am still fighting my cold, so sleep is hard to come by because as soon as I lay down I start coughing. SO I have resorted to using NyQuil. Sleep is now not a problem, however waking up is! Thank you God for coffee.
     Between work and my workouts ( at work I am on my feet for four solid hours) I am happy with my progress. My cold is slowly going away so I am feeling better every day. I can't wait to reach my ultimate goal. I WILL get there!
     I am off to bed. I hope you all have a great night! May God bless you all with good health and many blessing!

Day Thirty-One

     I am sorry that I did not post this last night. I was really tired so I went to bed right after my workout. Yesterday was another good day. I ate well and exercised last night. I went to work, picked up Kayla and went home. We had a good dinner of leftovers and watched a little television. Kayla went to bed at nine and I worked out. I went to bed not much after that.
     I am enjoying the journey just as much as the results to date. It have been interesting. Have a great day everyone and I'll post again later!