Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day Seven

     Week one down. At the end of this first week I feel great. I have been eating right, exercising twice a day, and sticking to my goals. In fact it showed on the scale this morning. I have lost seven pounds!! So here I sit, writing this blog and listing to one of my two favorite songs. It fits perfectly for this endeavor, Bring On The Day by Charlotte Martin. "Hey, Hey C'mon Bring on the day, Cause I just might get everything I need. Hey, Hey I've given what it takes, I'm ready as I'm ever gonna be....Bring on the day. What you get is what you see.
Open up your eyes, they'll set you free. It all works out eventually. You gotta keep on keepin' on. I can rock and I can roll. I know I wanna move, gotta take control. Watch out world, 'cos here I come, and I can't stop 'til I'm done. Hey, hey, I'm finally on my way." This song is perfect. No matter what happens, bring on the day!
      So with that in mind, I am ready for next week. My meals are planned, my workouts are ready to go, and so am I.  I can't wait to hit my 10% goal so we can go on a picnic. I know I don't have to wait, but it is a good reward and something to look forward to.  Motivation is a good thing. I found, for me at least, that if I have a goal and a reward in sight I work to achieve that goal. By setting attainable goals I don't get so discouraged. Before, my past dieting experiences, I would set a goal to reach my healthy weight and then get discouraged when it seemed to be taking forever to get there. Now I give myself smaller goals and rewards for reaching them. I feel I am accomplishing more and it seems more attainable. I know I will reach my ultimate goal in the future and that is enough for me.
      I also find that when I am tired and don't want to do anything, i.e. exercise or clean house, that putting upbeat music on helps get me moving. It is hard to sit still when there is good music on the stereo! In fact, listening to the stereo right now I am having a hard time concentrating on writing this and not getting up to do the electric slide! Oh, the heck with it. I'm going to go dance in my kitchen.  You all have a great night and God Bless You!!!

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