Friday, January 13, 2012

Day Thirteen

     Day thirteen is almost over. It has been a good and busy day. I start work tomorrow for my new client. I am excited about it.  I am still eating well and working out. It has been interesting though. I still find myself wanting things I can't have at this point. Like candy bars and bacon cheeseburgers. I am doing okay though. I did find low fat hamburger patties at Safeway so I can have a cheeseburger once in a while. It is the bacon part that is a killer on calories and fat. Oh, well.
     I have made plans to go for a walk with my sister-in-law (Lexi) and her son tomorrow. We are going to Sarge Hubbard after I get off work. I am looking forward to it.  Kayla and her son can play after we take a walk. Fun for all of us! Rus, Kayla and I are going to walk to the track on Sunday so I can go jogging for the first time. This should be interesting. I haven't jogged or ran in a good fifteen years or more. But I will have another goal to shoot for.
      I have my meals planned for tomorrow as I am not sure what my new work will be like exactly. I planned my workouts around my schedule too so that I know I can still get them in. I have a couple more things to do tonight to make sure I am ready so I will say good night.
     Have a great night everyone!


  1. Ever tried a veggie burger? Boca and Morning Star Farms have pretty good ones. Way less fat and a fraction of the calories. They are high in fiber and protien so they keep you full.

  2. The veggie burgers are tasty. We switched for Rob's medically enforced vegan diet. They're not the same as beef - healthier, of course - and our favorite so far is the Boca Portabella burgers... smothered in even more mushrooms sauteed in olive oil with onions.

  3. I am going to try a few different ones to find the one we all like best. I did find a very low fat hamburger patty in the freezer section of Safeway that we really like. But I am open to trying new things so we have a variety. Thank you for the ideas you two!
