Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day Twenty-Eight

     Today was a good day. I ate well and exercised. I even took a long bath, it was so nice.  Kayla surprised me again. She did the dishes, cleaned off the coffee table and picked up around the house. It was so nice of her! 
     I am working again tomorrow so I have already planned out my breakfast and lunch. We are going out to dinner with friends tomorrow night and as I know where we are going I have planned for dinner as well. Along with drinking lots of water and exercising I will get to my goals. I am feeling a little better today so I am hoping this stupid cold is finally going away. It will be nice to get some real sleep again and not be sneezing or coughing all the time.
     I am going to bed now. I hope you all have a great night! God Bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Great job april. Twenty eight days.i remember day 7 last.
