Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day Five

     Today has been a good day. I have worked out twice, eaten well and cleaned my house. Oh, I also put all the christmas stuff away. Well, except the lights outside that Rus has to help me take down! I feel good.
     I had a request for recipes so once or twice a week I will post recipes I have adapted to a low-fat, low-calorie lifestyle.  The first is one of our favorite desserts, Mini Angel Berry Cakes.  One serving is one muffin with whip cream and berries. It is one of the ways I still get to enjoy dessert and I love it!
     I love that there are now so many ways to enjoy "normal" foods without the calories and fat. In the past, while dieting, it was hard to do that. Some diets require you to drink a shake (that takes like crap) for breakfast and lunch and eat a small dinner. This hardly left me satisfied or happy. I don't do diet pills.  And the problem I have with diets that give you all your food is that there is no accountability. The problem with that is once you lose all the weight you want to, if you haven't been held accountable for what you eat, how are you supposed to do so now? If you haven't tracked calories, fat, carbohydrates, etc. are you going to once you are at your target weight? Probably not. So you go back to eating the same stuff that made you overweight.
      The plan I am on makes me accountable for EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth. It is also teaching me about making better choices. Like substituting low-fat sour cream for full fat sour cream, low-fat ranch for full fat ranch, and using lean meats instead of fattier cuts. There are so many healthier choices now that taste great. I love it! I am loving all of this. Though I have found out that I don't care for turkey bacon. It is just not the same! :D 
     Well back to it. I have some laundry to finish and a bed to go to sleep in.  Have a great night everyone and God Bless You!!


  1. April, you are doing so well! I've been reading daily and praying for you. We're doing our best to get healthy, too. We love you!

  2. thanks Jenni! I wish you all the luck in the world and will be praying for you also!
