Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day Fourteen

     So today was a great day. I ate well, I did one workout and took a 45 minute (3 mile) walk with Kayla, my sister-in-law Lexi, and Lexi's son Emmett. And I started my new career. So, yep, it was a great day! Tomorrow will be another good one as well.
     Our plans for tomorrow include grocery shopping, workouts, eating well, and walking to the track up the road so I can jog a lap. I also weigh myself again tomorrow and am looking forward to it! How often can one say that actually look forward to weighing themselves? Two weeks i sure wouldn't have.
     I think I am going to set a goal for myself. If i can jog one lap around the track in under 4 minutes I am going to reward my self with a walk to the espresso stand and to get a non-fat Vanilla Latte. 
     Well that is it for today. I have to be up early for work so off to bed for me. Have a great night everyone! God Bless You!


  1. You are jogging a whole lap already? That's amazing. I'm not sure where my fitness level is anymore - are you interested in having a workout partner every once in a while?
